Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crossing Boundaries

To my band "Crossing Boundaries" a big thank you, the sincerest I can possibly squeeze out of my heart. I have much respect, honor and love for you guys. You all have been a life line to a life I thought I had to leave behind. You have given me hope and given me a reason to carry on doing what I love to do the most in this world, to rock!

Do check out the most awesome band in Monash University Sunway Campus(well it's my personal thought) at Crossing Boundaries on Facebook. These are my comrades in the ever noble struggle in liberating the minds of the oppressed youth with the salvation that the Rock brings (Rock as in music, not to be confused with Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock) This post is a tribute to my brothers in arms, entrusted with the sacred responsibility of rocking out hard and loud for the betterment and advancement of mankind.

The Professor: Shaneil Ramon "Paul Johns" Devaser - Guitar/Vocals (top row)
The Lost One: Tristan "k3rc" Devadason - Bass (the fella resting on me)
The OLAF: Edwin Lai - Drums (cute little chinese dude in the front)

Me...i'm the one on guitars and vocals, the bottom center.