Monday, March 10, 2008

Twas in the time of trouble

One of the many struggles I had at the time of a crisis that got my faith in God stirred up. But the dust did settle as you may read further. Written quite sometime back when I was in Singapore.

My God why have you forsaken me,
In this time of my need,
When my troubles rain down on me,
Soaking me from head to feet.

I have travelled the road less taken,
I have walked the narrow path,
Trying to hear Your voice,
But I listen into the wind in vain.

My God, my God why have you forsaken me.

And then after...

Be quiet, be still.
Take heart and heed.

I am your God, your Father in heaven,
I am the same, yesterday, today and forever,
I am the air that is in your lungs,
I am the words in this song.
I have never let go of you My child.

Jeremiah Abraham

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